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General FAQ's

What is the cost for my child to play Little League?

Cost is based upon the division of play: 

  • Peanuts (ages 4-5): $200 registration
  • Baseball (ages 6-14): $300 registration
  • Softball (ages 6-14): $300 registration
  • Challenger Division (for players with handicaps): $0 registration

Family max for registration is $500. With the exception of the Peanut and Challengers divisions in baseball, all other registrants must pay a $300 volunteer deposit, which is refundable only upon completion of volunteer duties, as defined in our Volunteers Page.

What is this “Volunteer fee”?

This is an all volunteer league. This enables us to keep registration costs low, which allows more kids to participate. You are asked to fill one of the many important positions required to make the season possible. After fulfilling your “point” requirement, your $300 will be refunded when your completed volunteer refund request form is returned.

View Volunteer Job Descriptions and point values on the Volunteers Page.

Can I get a refund?

The League recognizes that it may be necessary to refund the player registration fees in some cases following registration.  Refunds will be granted as follows: (a) Player injury prior to season, 100% refund.

How will I be communicated to if games or practices are cancelled due to weather?

In the early months of the Little League season, games and practices can be cancelled due to rain or poor field conditions.  The league and coaches will do our best to communicate to parents as soon as possible when this occurs.  The following is the process the league will use to determine field conditions and communications.

  1. Division Coordinators will check field conditions: 6am on weekends, 4pm on weekdays.
  2. If the weather is extreme, a decision will be made to cancel games for the day as soon as Division Coordinators report back.
  3. If the weather is not extreme, umpires/players/coaches should report to the field as per normal.  We will cancel games moving forward on-site at each field.
  4. Coordinators should report back to the board if any games are cancelled.
  5. At any point, the board can make a decision to cancel games for the day if feedback comes in to do so.
  6. When games are cancelled in mass due, the board will send a league-wide email and update the website.


Softball FAQs can be found here.

Baseball FAQs

Baseball FAQs can be found here.